Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

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Former Health Centre, High Street, Rishton, Blackburn, BB1 4JZ

Full Details

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      The property is situated in a prominent main road position in the centre of Rishton, surrounded by local, regional and national retailers.

      Accrington town centre is approximately 4 miles from the premises and Blackburn town centre within 5 miles.


      The property comprises a single storey former health centre.

      It is of brick built construction under a pitched tiled roof. The property provides a series of office and consultation rooms together with wc/amenity facilities. It has the benefit of double glazed windows with security shutters, gas fired central heating and carpet/vinyl floors.

      In addition, parking is available to the rear of the premises.


      We have calculated the net internal area of the premises to be approximately 1,625 sq.ft




      £13,000 per annum

      Lease Terms

      The property is available by way of a new lease on Full Repairing & Insuring terms for a minimum period of 5 years


      The property has a Rateable Value of £8,400

      As the Rateable Value is below the threshold for small business rate relief of £12,000 RV eligible occupiers may be exempt from business rates. Full details on request.

      Legal Costs

      Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.


      Vat is applicable to figures quoted in these particulars.


      It is understood that all mains services are available to the property.


      An EPC is available on request


      The property has been used for a number of years as a health centre under Class D1 (non residential institution) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order.

      It is anticipated that other similar uses, such as day nursery, crèche, place of worship, etc. would be considered appropriate.

      Alternatively other uses would be considered including retail, office, etc and interested parties are recommended to contact the planning department of Hyndburn Borough Council to discuss their proposed uses.

      Prohibited Uses

      The following uses are prohibited:

      - Blood pressure monitoring
      - New medicine service
      - Covid service
      - Flu Jabs
      - Stop smoking


      Strictly through agents
      Taylor Weaver
      (Neil Weaver)
      01254 699030