Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

Hollins Business Park, Hollins Grove Street, Darwen, BB3 1HG

Full Details

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      The development is located fronting Hollins Grove Street within 2 minutes drive of junction 4 of the M65 motorway.

      The surrounding occupiers include Canopies UK, Vampire Vape, Howdens Joinery, amongst many others.

      There have been a series of new commercial developments in the immediate area which has created a popular and very accessible business park setting.


      Hollins Business Park comprises of 5 interconnected new build industrial units which can be let individually or as a whole.

      The buildings are constructed on a steel portal frame and a minimum eaves height of 6 metres. Internally the units benefit from a solid concrete floor, electric sectional up and over door, w.c facility with led pendant lighting internally and a large concrete yard to the front of each unit with demised parking.

      The units are finished to an extremely high specification and would be suitable for all uses subject to planning.


      The units have been measured on a gross internal area basis as follows:

      Unit 131,500 sq.ft£18,000 per annum plus VAT



      See accommodation schedule.

      Lease Terms

      The units are available by way of a minimum lease of 5 years on FRI terms. The ingoing tenant will also be responsible for the usual occupiers costs to include business, water rates and electricity.

      Service Charge

      A service charge will be charged on occupiers for the upkeep of the common parts of the estate. Amount to be confirmed.


      To be assessed on occupation. Further details are available on request.

      Legal Costs

      Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs.


      All mains services with the exception of gas are connected to the property.


      B2/B8 Uses


      Strictly via sole agent
      Taylor Weaver
      James Taylor
      Tel: 01254 699 030