Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

1 / 2 Highfield Road, Clitheroe, BB7 1AQ

Full Details

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      The premises are located fronting Highfield Road, close to its junction with Peel Street, on the outskirts of Clitheroe town centre.

      Neighbouring occupiers include Howdens Joinery, James Hargreaves Plumbers Merchants and Homebase retail store.

      Clitheroe town centre is less than 150m from the property with good transport links including rail and bus services all within walking distance.


      The premises comprise a modern single storey industrial building constructed on a steel portal frame with brickwork elevations to a height of 2m and insulated profile steel cladding above to both walls and roof, including double skin translucent roof panels.

      Although the building has been constructed as one structure, it has been designed to be sub-divisible and has the benefit of roller shutter door access to both front and rear.

      Internally the premises have a solid concrete floor, painted blockwork walls to a height of 2m and a minimum internal eaves height of 12"7".

      At present the ground floor comprises a main retail area (1,904 sq. ft.), together with ancillary office, stores and kitchenette/toilet facilities).

      A mezzanine structure provides good quality storage space in part of the property.

      Externally parking is available for approximately 11 vehicles with palisade security fencing surrounding.


      We have calculated the gross internal floor area to be as follows :

      Ground Floor2,729 sq.ft
      Mezzanine/Office1,738 sq.ft
      Total4,468 sq.ft

      We have calculated the total site area to be 0.19 acres.


      £39,500 pa plus VAT

      Lease Terms

      The premises are available by way of a new lease ( minimum term 5 years) with the ingoing tenant to occupy on full repairing and insuring terms and to be responsible for the usual occupiers costs to include business and water rates, electricity and gas.


      As published on the VOA website the property has a rateable of £17,000. This means the rates payable are estimated at £8,500 per annum. Further details available on request.

      Legal Costs

      Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs involved in the transaction.


      All mains services are connected to the property. The property benefits from hot air blowers.


      Strictly through sole agents
      Taylor Weaver
      (James Taylor)
      01254 699030