Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

Victoria Works, Bonsall Street, Blackburn, BB2 4DD

Full Details

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      The property is situated in the suburb of Mill Hill, approximately 2 miles from Blackburn town centre.

      It has good access to both Junctions 3 (approx. 3 miles) and 4 (approx. 2 miles) of the M65 motorway, which connects to the M6 and M61 motorways at Walton Summit, Preston.


      The property comprises predominantly single storey industrial/manufacturing accommodation with offices.

      It is constructed predominantly of brick work walls under multi bay roof.

      The working height ranges from 3.3m to 4.44m and it has the benefit of electricity, gas and mains water.

      There are numerous roller shutter doors from the building to the yard/street and parking is available externally.

      The property is being refurbished to include partial re-roofing, new lighting and redecoration. Works are expected to be complete in Q3 of 2025.


      The building is approximately 55,000 sq.ft (subject to final measurement on completion of the works)


      £4.50 per sq.ft plus Vat

      Lease Terms

      A minimum 3 year lease is sought on full repairing and insuring terms.

      The tenant will be responsible for the usual costs of occupation, which include business and water rates, electricity and gas.


      Subject to status a deposit may be required


      Further details on request.

      Legal Costs

      The ingoing tenant will be responsible for the landlord's reasonable legal costs in respect of a leasehold transaction.


      VAT is applicable


      All mains services are available.


      An EPC is available on request.


      Most industrial/warehouse uses will be permitted, although interested parties are recommended to contact the Local Planning Authority to discuss their proposed use in greater detail.


      Strictly through agents
      Taylor Weaver
      (Neil Weaver)
      01254 699030