Blackburn Office01254 699 030

Chorley Office01257 204 900

Search results

Heritage Arcade, Bacup Road, Rawtenstall, BB4 7NG

Full Details

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      The Heritage Arcade is situated on Bacup Road, in the heart of Rawtenstall, opposite the attractive new £3.5m bus station and transport hub.

      The attractive setting and appealing location has lead to a significant increase in demand for young couples and professionals looking to move to the countryside into the smaller regional towns, however remaining a short drive (20 minutes) from Manchester City Centre.


      This unique redevelopment opportunity is a landmark building in the heart of Rawtenstall town centre.

      The former picture house and shopping centre has been granted full planning permission to be converted into a luxury residential scheme comprising of 42 2-bed apartments with dedicated car parking and landscaped private gardens.

      Full details of the planning consent, which was granted in January 2021 by Rossendale Borough Council, can be found on the Rossendale Council planning portal under reference 2020/0018.


      £1.2m + VAT



      Legal Costs

      Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs involved in the transaction.


      We believe that all mains services are connected to the site. However, interested parties are required to make their own investigations.

      Money Laundering Regulations

      Please note we are now required to carry out customer due-diligence on all purchasers once an offer is accepted whereby we are required to obtain proof of identity and address of the prospective purchaser. On receipt of the information we will undertake an anti money laundering check via Smart Search.


      Strictly through agents
      Taylor Weaver
      (James Taylor)
      01254 699030